See if you can save money on your homeowner's policy by bundling multiple policies, using smart home equipment, or living in a "green" home.
Discount for Multiple Policies
When you have an auto policy and other policies with the same insurance carrier, you can save up to 12% on house insurance on average. Sometimes, more policies, more discount you get.
Home Buyer Discount
Customers who acquired their house within the previous 12 months of the policy's effective date are eligible. These are different per carrier, but majority of the companies will offer them.
No-Loss Discount
Offered to eligible clients who have not suffered a loss within a certain time frame.
Discount on Protective Devices
You can save money by having equipment like:
• Smoke detectors and fire alarms; • Interior sprinkler systems; • Home security systems; or • Smart or linked home technology, which notifies the consumer of a fire or burglary occurrence.
Green Home Savings
If your home is already recognized as a "green home" by the Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) organization, you can save up to 5%. Not all carriers offer this discount.